Preparing Your Home For Sale
Preparing Your Home For Sale
Welcome homeowner! If you are looking to sell your home, in today`s saturated housing market, making a decision to work with a good REALTOR® is invariably a wise idea. An experienced REALTOR® can help you sell your home fast so that you can get on with your life. Our experienced real estate agents are ready to help you get your home ready for the market!
Tips of Getting Your Home Buyer-Ready
Once you`ve decided to work with a REALTOR® to sell your home, you can do a number of things on your end to get the home ready for sale. Getting ready to show to potential buyers or for an open house is easier if you no longer live in the home, although many people are still living in their homes when their homes sell. Either way, these tips will help you get the home buyer-ready:
Get rid of clutter. Rid the home of items that you don`t need. Pack away knickknacks, books, and other non-essential items, placing them in storage or in boxes in the garage. Clean out and organize closets and pantries. You`ll not only make the space look more inviting, you`ll already have a jump start on packing!
Depersonalize the home. Pack away all of your personal photos and family 'stuff' that will be distracting to buyers. What you want the buyer to do when they walk through your home is to imagine their own belongings within the space; they can`t do that if you have tons of personal stuff lying around. You want the buyer to be able to envision themselves moving in.
Minimize. If you`re staying in the home until it sells, you want to minimize the amount of furniture that you have in the home so that buyers can see the square footage of the home better. This also reduces visual clutter. Keep only the very bare essential furniture items, like a couch and chair, a bed for each person, and a dining table and chairs. Everything else should be stored away.
Make small repairs. Minor repairs now can make the home seem more welcoming and less of a headache for buyers. Besides, if your home maintenance is so poor that you can`t fix a leaky faucet or replace cracked counter tiles, the buyer is likely to think that there may be more serious problems lurking.
Clean, clean, clean! A house that sparkles is one that potential buyers will remember when reviewing their short list. Wash your windows, add new caulking to showers and sinks, wax the floor, replace worn rugs.basically give the whole house a once-over 'spring' cleaning until it shines. Don`t neglect the outside. Consider pressure washing the exterior.
Rev up curb appeal. The first impression buyers have of your home is its view from the curb, so make them want to live in the home from the moment they step out of their car. Trim the lawn, plant some flowers, paint the door a bright, welcoming color and hang a wreath. Stand on the curb and take your home in visually, looking for improvements that will make it stand out, like new house numbers or a new mail box.